Let's face it, you may be a master internet marketer but not all your new distributors are and many have no desire to ever even use the internet. They also will learn to develop key communication skills which are very important no matter what marketing method they choose to utilize.
The only way to develop that muscle is to use email list it. The best way to use it is to talk to as many people as possible. Those who are go getters and are right for your business will do whatever it takes to succeed and if they do just this one thing, they will have a success story before too long. Also, they will stay as business partners because they are making money. HELLO!
Level 2 Level 2 is when distributors are spending 50 percent of their time dealing with recruiting from their warm market and cold market leads and 50 percent of their time dealing with training their team and responding to self generated leads. This is a really good place to be as business is building, teams are developing and profits are coming in. The description is pretty self explanatory. Typically it takes several years in the industry to really move beyond this level.